ICSM NEWS: Stamford Paper’s meeting with creditors set for April 28th as another big name in manufacturing hits the buffers

ICSM NEWS: Stamford Paper’s meeting with creditors set for April 28th as another big name in manufacturing hits the buffers

Opus Restructuring of Bristol are set to rake over the ashes of Lancashire-based paper manufacturer and distributor Stamford Paper later this month in a bid to save something of the firm.

A virtual meeting of creditors has been called for April 28th, to decide on the fate of what is left of the business based at the historic Cotton Hall Mill in Darwen.

It’s another blow to the printing and allied trades coming as it does hot on the heels of the demise of YM Group where three sites of the once mighty print organisation have been closed.

That closure has seen a fallout with the weekly titles that YM used to print running late or at reduced capacity according to Print Week.

Jo Francis for the trade publication noted: “Bauer is understood to have switched most of the production to its own printing plant in Poland and is experiencing logistical challenges as a result. Menzies said that supplies for England and Scotland would be limited to 80% of normal levels.”

She reported there was disruption to the printing of TV Choice, Inside Soap and Total TV Guide due to the demise of YM as clients hurriedly looked to alternative printers for help.

Abbey Printers of Bradford had a creditors’ liquidation meeting earlier this year while liquidators were appointed to Indigo Press Limited and also J&L Print Services as the fallout from the Covid-19 crisis continues.

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