With apologies to Raquel Welch in the movie One Million Years BC
Survival of the fittest in the economically chilling aftermath of the Covid-19 Crisis
2020 has seen the worst economic downturn since the 1930s according to economists - but there are reasons to be positive about 2021
Hello and welcome to our monthly newsletter,
Let's face it, so far 2020 sucks. But on the positive side the worst may be behind us as the economy begins its climb out of the mess left by the Covid-19 shut-down.
In the positive Darwinian sense if your business can survive a recession then it will only thrive as things improve. A bit like when mammals replaced dinosaurs after a meteor wiped them out 65 million years ago. Or in popular cinematic culture when Loana (Raquel Welch) and the Sea Tribe survive the volcano to emerge into a desolate landscape in the 1966 movie One Million Years BC to rebuild their lives.
At ICSM Credit we monitor failing businesses that may go bust leaving a trail of unpaid invoices for suppliers. Together with our members we highlight them so suppliers don't get left high and dry if the worst happens. Sadly this autumn will see more companies go bust as the furlough scheme ends but we have had success in saving our members hundreds of thousands of pounds in bad debts this year by flagging up problem firms. And our debt collection sector has never been busier or more successful - so don't hesitate to contact us if you have a problem - or use our free legal letters to secure payment.
In this issue there is plenty of news about liquidations, CVAs, mergers and acquisitions in all sectors of UK businesses. One feature I think will be of interest is the one on ten positive changes you can make to your business in a post-pandemic world. It highlights the importance of keeping a tight grip on credit control, establishing reserves, consolidating costs, and pivoting your business among other useful tips.
One tip I will give is if you haven't yet joined ICSM Credit yet is to to join now as we have a temporary free membership which ends when furloughing is scrapped - it could save your business from bad debts this autumn.
There's lots more news on the website and on our social media on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn - stay in touch and keep on keeping on.
Best wishes Ian Carrotte Proprietor of ICSM Credit For details about ICSM Credit call 0844 854 1850 or visit the website www.icsmcredit.com or email Ian at Ian.carrotte@icsmcredit.com

ICSM Credit, the Exchange, Express Park, Bristol Road, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4RR
Not a member? Normally you can join for less than a tank of diesel and protect yourself from late payers but we have a special free temporary membership offer in September. Use our free legal letters to chase unpaid invoices.
For a video on how to send a FREE LEGAL LETTER visit: https://youtu.be/AIycysoFhYo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Covid-19: 10 positive changes you must make to your business in a post pandemic world
Thousands of businesses have gone to the wall and millions have lost their jobs – yes Covid 19 has been a disaster for the UK economy. Except for one aspect. Work and fiscal practices that may not have taken place in many work-places have been fast forwarded due to the urgent nature of the crisis. It’s all about survival.

1 Credit control must change
Many firms have not been paid by their clients for work invoiced before the crisis began in March. The shut-down hasn’t helped but in many sectors 120 days credit is not unusual. When a firm goes into administration the creditors are left with four months of unpaid work as well as any work in progress. If however a supplier insists on 30 days credit then clearly if the worst happens the economic hit is much less. Ian Carrotte of ICSM Credit said tight credit control is vital as it can be the difference of a company surviving or not going under if they are hit by a bad debt. He said discount invoicing for prompt payment simply undercut a firm’s profitability while factoring often meant a company was trading at a loss.
2 Have something in reserve
Too many businesses have virtually no reserves so when an unexpected bill comes in from the taxman or they hit a lean period such as the Covid 19 shut down meaning they run out of cash. Putting away money into a reserve account should be standard practice said Ian Carrotte of ICSM Credit. He said it was one the lessons that many companies have learnt to their cost with the only option to borrow to bail themselves out of a hole. A rule of thumb is to put by up to six months of all business costs in an account as a cash reserve. Whenever that reserve is eaten into then, as soon as possible, replace it. Easier said than done I’m sure some will reply.

3 Review your office requirements
With many people working from home a lot of firms have realised they may not need large city centre offices. One option is to down size to a hub or smaller office and ask staff to come in for one or two days a week and work at home for the rest of the time. A hub is essentially a small office with a meeting room and enough work spaces for hot desking.
4 Consolidate factory and workshops
Some firms work from more than one site. With fewer staff retained and an examination of surplus space it is possible for many businesses to consolidate onto one site. There is a saving in communication, logistics, labour, rent, business rates, utility bills and the storage of stock. It may also be able to reduce the amount of vans, pool cars and other high value kit which may be leased.

5 Cash is king
Having several smaller clients who pay regularly every month are a safer bet than a handful of major clients whose work is irregular if lucrative. Having all your eggs in one basket is always risky especially if your one major client gets into trouble or there is another pandemic. A large number of customers who pay on 30 days or less means your business will always have cash flow – and cash is king as it gives your business flexibility and the ability to pivot in a crisis and seek a new income stream.
6 Utilise what you have
Several manufacturers ranging from packaging to printing have moved into the production of PPE during the Covid-19 crisis. Other firms with virtually no business during the shut-down have reallocated their delivery vans into delivering for other firms.

7 Pivoting your business
If the business you are in is one of low profit margins and huge competitions driving prices lower take a look at options to pivot your enterprise into. Some traditional printers have moved into packaging, agricultural businesses have upgraded buildings into holiday lets, and shop-fitters into flat and home fitters completing work for estate agents and building firms. The important thing is once you see an opportunity is to do it quickly to save time and money. Over a period of years successful firms pivot from one type of business model to another.
8 Social media is not an add-on
Firms who have grasped social media when it first became a thing in the last decade have found during the lock-down they were able to continue getting their message across. For many companies the shut-down has been a wake up call as to how they communicate. One lesson of the Covid-19 crisis is that social media is not an option. Whether you are a pub, a litho printer, a marketing company or a legal firm building a following through Instagram, FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube and all the other platforms prevents you from disappearing from your customers’ awareness.

9 Zoom in for a meeting
Sending executives or sales people half-way around the world for a one hour meeting is expensive and often unnecessary. Nobody is saying that face to face meetings are dead as in the old phrase, people buy people. But often those meetings can be conducted by Zoom or other formats on the internet. So many companies have been reviewing the ROI for not just meetings, but visits to trade shows, team building weekends, seminars and conferences which have sometimes been seen as at best rewards and at worst jollies.
10 Have a plan B
Many people have said their business went off a cliff on March 23rd. Literally no trade at all. And yet pubs were suddenly becoming take-aways, restaurants were doing home deliveries and retailers geared up to become entirely online businesses during the lock-down recording record sales. We don’t know if there will be another pandemic but something sooner or later will happen to disrupt business. Those of us who have long memories will recall the fuel delivery strike of the 90s, the three day week of the 70s and the Big Freeze of the 60s. Having a Plan B is vital just in case the worst happens. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

NEWS: Home Secretary intervenes over BooHoo’s suppliers scandal and retweets our story!
ICSM Credit’s Ian Carrotte has welcomed the intervention of the home secretary in the scandal that has rocked the UK fast fashion world over low wages and poor work practices.
“Priti Patel has made it plain to the owners of the fashion firm BooHoo that they have not treated their workers and suppliers properly,” he said, “paying below the minimal wage is illegal but the way BooHoo have cut off their suppliers and put the blame on them shows a callous attitude which will leave firms with unpaid invoices.”
In a letter to Boohoo CEO John Lyttle, Priti Patel wrote: “I am concerned that your response to recent reports of labour exploitation in your supply chains appears to be focused on terminating contracts with suppliers found to have breached your code of conduct, rather than on protecting vulnerable workers. I would expect Boohoo to work with its suppliers to ensure that workers are protected and remediated. It is now more important than ever before that businesses step up and take responsibility for conditions in their supply chain.”
The Manchester-based fashion firm had been exposed by the Sunday Times for paying workers as little as £3.50 an hour and refusing to let them leave their Leicester factories when unwell even when they had contracted Covid-19. The firm announced they would build a so-called model factory and end their relationship with their suppliers and set up a review process. However sceptics have suggested they were evading their responsibilities, pretending to address criticisms and have failed to pay suppliers and staff caught up in the scandal. One footnote to this story is that Priti Patel retweeted our story on Twitter. Even members of the Government read ICSM Credit News.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MORE STORIES FROM ICSM's WEBSITE
Duchess’ favourite store in CVA

Print industry liquidations mount as Covid-19 effect bites
Crisis for the trade show industry as events pulled (full list of lost trade exhibitions here)

Sushi chain puts CVA on the menu
 OPINION Furloughing has been abused by 33% of employers and resulted in new work practices which are bad for the economy https://www.icsmcredit.com/news/viewpost.php?id=279

Print Industry News: print trade shows pulled until 2021; problems for print trade press; magazine sales plunge during Covid-19; and Latimer Trend workers’ redundancy victory
With Print Monthly magazine currently online only, the Print Show, Fespa and Drupa pulled until next year and a raft of printing companies going to the wall it is fair to say Covid-19 has had a disproportionate effect on the industry here and abroad.

Trade shows put back
Writing on the Print Show’s website the director Chris Davies said: “We have made the difficult decision to postpone The Print Show 2020 and The Sign Show 2020 until next year, due to the ongoing novel coronavirus (Covid-19) situation in the UK. The safety of exhibitors and visitors is our number one priority and though this was not an easy choice, we believe it to be the right course of action. However, we are delighted to confirm that The Print Show and The Sign Show will both take place in 2021. The shows will run from September 28th to 30th at the NEC in Birmingham and we will publish further updates as soon as possible.”
Meanwhile Drupa have moved their show back a year in Germany and Fespa has shifted their exhibition to the Netherlands next spring. Print Week reported: “Fespa has now effectively cancelled its 2020 event and brought forward the 2021 show, which had initially been penciled in for Munich in May 2021, avoiding a clash with next year’s rescheduled Drupa in Dusseldorf. The Fespa four-day 2021 Global Print Expo, which is co-located with European Sign Expo and Sportswear Pro, will now take place at the RAI Exhibition Centre in Amsterdam on 9-12 March.”

Rob Fletcher has been holding the fort for Print Monthly
No show magazine and video news
Print Week published their July issue of the trade journal while the publication struggles to deal with the pandemic’s effects on the industry. Meanwhile rival publication Print Monthly has gone on line for the time being and the operation behind it have temporarily stopped their weekly video news for printers while most staff are furloughed. Consulting editor Rob Fletcher however has continued to load up stories to the website including the news that Zecher, an international provider of anilox roller solutions, has become the latest company to announce that it won’t be turning up to Drupa. Sadly a sign of our times as all trade shows are being hit. See our feature at https://www.icsmcredit.com/news/viewpost.php?id=280

Latimer Trend workers in compensation battle
Writing for Print Week Darryl Danielli highlighted a success for workers laid off by the Plymouth print outfit Latimer Trend when the company went bust.
He wrote: “Close to 50 former employees of Latimer Trend & Company, which collapsed just under a year ago, have won their ‘failure to consult’ compensation claims and their lawyer has warned directors to ensure they properly consult with staff over redundancies. The judgement, which was issued by the Plymouth Employment Tribunal last week, means the 47 staff that made a claim are each in line for additional payments of up to £4,304.”
He continued: “Presiding judge NJ Walker issued the judgement ‘by consent’, but the employees' solicitor, Nuala Toner, managing director of employment specialist Nualaw, said that initially the administrators were going to defend, but agreed to a judgment by consent ‘after we pointed out that the defence was not particularly strong.’”
Ian Carrotte of ICSM Credit said that companies often claim ‘special circumstances defense’ when insolvency is involved. He said: “This case shows directors who often walk away with their salaries must at the very least inform staff of a firm’s demise as they can be held liable.”
Print Week reported that following the agreement, the former employees dropped various other claims against the company including some for unfair and constructive dismissal. They said a judgement by consent is where all the parties agree the terms in which a judgment should be given.
One of the comments posted on Print Week’s site wrote: “Failure to consult employees is a schoolboy error and company directors should know better. This often can be an expensive error and one employment judges at tribunal come down hard on.”

Gareth Ward
Print Business reports on poor magazine sales
Writing for the trade publication Print Business Gareth ward said: “Covid-19 has accelerated declines in magazine circulations, according to ABC figures for the first six months of the year. Some publishers are hoping for a bounce back as lockdown restrictions end and consumers are able to buy publications from newsagents as part of their daily ritual, but others are less sure. The last few months have been marked by high profile closures on both sides of the Atlantic: for example Q in the UK and O, the Oprah Winfrey magazine in the US.
“Magazines across the board have lost readers, from television listing titles to women’s interest and lifestyle. The only exceptions are in food and gardening, perhaps a reflection of activities that have been possible during lockdown. BBC's Gardeners’ World increased sales 8% to 221,422 copies and Garden Answers rose 7% to 50,888.”
Ian Carrotte said the Covid-19 crisis had simply accelerated the decline in circulations in sales because people couldn’t get to the shops as normal. “Coupled with a long term drop in sales due to the internet,” he added, “it is no surprise the industry has had more bad news.”

Dodgy print farmer of 'Bonnie and Clyde' is back ripping off clients https://www.icsmcredit.com/news/viewpost.php?id=285

Runners and Riders Below is a collated list taken from the Government’s London Gazette of various businesses who are experiencing problems in the last few weeks. Ones that catch the eye include The Red Group Print & Design in the print and publishing world, while in transport Market Hall Logistics have gone and in the travel industry the high profile name of Travelex has gained national headlines, plus in the Covid-19 hit care home industry Wadsworth Care Homes went under - who will be next?
Administrators Appointed Aero Technics Design Limited 44055 Bagel Nash Limited 44054 B.D. (S/W) Limited 44048 Belem Developments Limited 44048 Byron Hamburgers Limited 44046 Country Pub Group Limited 44048 Cruden Construction Limited 44048 Cruden Group Limited 44048 Cruden Property Services Limited 44048 Drayton Manor Park (Catering) Limited 44048 Drayton Manor Park Hotels Limited 44048 Drayton Manor Park Limited 44048 Floating Festivals Limited 44067 Foodpac Limited 44061 Forest Inns (UK) Limited 44054 Hinterlands Venue Limited 44048 MPS Realisations Limited (Formerly Madley Property Services Limited) 44046 No 1 Currency Limited 44046 Northern Safety Supplies Limited 44068 Parkview Battersea Limited 44055 Regal Holiday Homes Limited 44055 RMG PPM Realisations Limited 44060 RMG Realisations Limited 44060 Thomas Exchange Global Limited 44046 TokenHouse VB Limited 44048 Travelex Financing PLC 44054 Travelex Group Investments Limited 44054 Travelex Holdings Limited 44054 Travelex Limited 44054 Travelex UK Limited 44054 Willow Inns (UK) Limited 44054 Woody Inns Limited 44054 Wrexham Wire Limited 44054 Administrators Meetings Para 51 P.J. Brown (Construction) Limited 44043 Travelex Banknotes Limited 44068 Compulsory Liquidators Appointed s 136 Windrush Cottages Limited 44048 Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation Deemed in Consent Meetings Air2Energy Limited 44046 A.F. Collison Bill Posting Services Limited 44043 Analysis and Modelling Limited 44043 Barry Construction Limited 44043 CM IT Consultancy Limited 44048 CR Catering Ltd 44048 Construction Training Academy Limited 44060 David Ashworth Butchers Limited 44046 Davies Building Solutions Limited 44061 Exhibitions Plus Limited 44067 Glosol Limited 44046 Great White Events Limited 44054 Gun Dog Ales Limited 44043 Kindlow Limited 44046 Live in the UK Limited 44046 Optical Forming Limited 44046 M&J (the Gables) Limited 44043 Mast Display Limited 44060 New Space Constructions Ltd 44060 NKS Property Maintenance Ltd 44054 Pendle Ventures Clitheroe Limited 44046 Southborough Construction Limited 44046 Tailormade Fitted Furniture Limited 44048 The Brook Coffee Company Limited 44060 Top Table Hire Limited 44060 Liquidators Appointed 3 Frank Monkeys Limited 44048 All About Electricals Limited 44048 ABH Installations Limited 44046 Alfa Joinery Limited 44042 Atlas Wynd Ltd 44048 A.F. Collison Bill Posting Services 44060 Analysis and Modelling Limited 44060 BB CAD Designs Limited 44048 Bishop’s Move (Tunbridge Wells) Limited 44068 Bishop’s Move Distribution Services Limited 44068 Broadway Business Hub Limited 44042 BW McGregor Engineering Limited 44046 Centurion Construction (London) Limited 44061 Clayton’s Cards Limited 44042 Classic Home Improvements (Warrington) Limited 44046 Coffeesmiths (North) Limited 44042 Colour Cubed Limited 44067 Connect Drivers Limited 44042 Construction DDC Limited 44046 Commercial Solar Installer Limited 44060 Corinthian Masonry Limited 44046 Cove Construction (SW) Limited 44054 CPUK Commercial Limited 44054 Cue Design Limited 44048 Coffeesmiths (Independents) Limited 44043 DDM Fab Limited 44043 Deluxe Mobile Homes Limited 44043 De Build Limited 44054 Doublequick Limited 44048 DV Foods Limited 44054 David Ashworth Butchers Limited 44060 Denim T9 Limited 44060 Ela Trading Limited 44060 Euro-Connex Limited 44048 Ekult Group Limited 44046 Fashion Nation (UK) Limited 44068 Galtee Interiors Limited 44067 Gambaru Fitness Limited 44043 Gateway Logistic Services Limited 44060 G & B Logitstics Limited 44067 Grace Pippa Limited 44060 Gun Dog Ales Limited 44060 Island Trading Company limited (The) 44043 K & S Packing Limited 44048 Land Shuttle Limited 44054 Laser Metal Fabrication Limited 44048 Lewis Visuals Limited 44046 Ludgate Building And Construction Limited 44062 MAP Electrical Limited 44046 Market Hall Logistics Limited 44068 M.E.A. Publications Limited 44060 Nicholl Food Packaging Limited 44060 Network Coffee Limited 44054 Nirvana Hairdressing Company Limited 44046 N.T. Whitfield (Transport) Limited 44048 NQ Retail London Limited 44042 One Performance UK Limited 44043 Pear Communications Limited 44042 Paton's (Shifnal) Limited T/A Patons of Shifnal 44048 Patshull Park UK Limited 44046 PHA (Northampton) Limited 44046 Pendle Ventures Clitheroe Ltd 44060 Pendle Ventures Grills Limited 44060 Porky's Bakehouse Ltd 44060 Prestige Diamonds Limited 44060 Providence Print & Mailing Limited 44060 Quest MH Limited 44054 Riva Retail Limited 44046 RSJ Safety Limited 44048 Rochay Productions Limited 44043 Salop Motorsport Limited 44060 Secure Surroundings Limited 44048 Sky High Building Contractors Limited 44042 Streamline Nationwide Limited 44048 The Preservation Company (UK) Limited 44048 The Cog Research & Marketing Limited 44042 The Red Group Print & Design Limited 44067 UK Theatres Online Limited 44043 VRA Transport Limited 44043 Wholepress Limited 44048 Wonderland Soft Play Limited 44054 Woodlane Building Contractors Limited 44054 Members Voluntary Liquidations Alan Chandler Marketing Limited 44055 Aim Digital Solutions Limited 44060 APB Construction UK Limited 44060 Blue Octal Limited 44048 BG Iran Limited 44054 BG IT Solutions Limited 44061 BG Karachaganak Trading Limited 44054 Brazil Shipping II Limited 44054 Connectors Cables Specialists (CCS UK) Limited 44054 C. Pike Limited 44048 Carlton Consulting Limited 44046 Comptel Communications Limited 44067 Controstar Media Limited 44061 Creative Broadcast Services Holdings (2) Limited 44043 Creative Broadcast Services Limited 44043 Clear Vista Media Limited 44043 Cloudspot Limited 44042 Deepx Limited 44048 DMU IT Consulting Limited 44055 EPDS Consultants Limited 44048 Grid Solutions Power Electronic Systems Limited 44043 H5 Enterprises Ltd 44046 Heathfield Reels Limited 44048 HO Media Solutions Limited 44055 Kevin Masters Creative Limited 44042 Lansdowne Freight Limited 44046 Lincolnshire Media Limited 44068 MG Office Lets Limited 44046 Macdonald's (West Derby) Garage Limited 44046 Mchr Consulting Limited 44046 Monberg & Thorsen (UK) Limited 44048 Nathaniel Lloyd & Co. Limited 44048 Peter Page & Associates Limited 44046 Pharmchem International Limited 44046 Partner For Growth Limited 44048 Peter Taylor Consulting (Hertfordshire) Limited 44048 Price Waterhouse MCS UK Holding Company 44055 PricewaterhouseCoopers (Resources) Limited 44055 PwC Performance Solutions (No.2) Limited 44055 PwC Performance Solutions (No.3) Limited 44055 Progressive Quilting Co. Limited 44048 Putney Beach Limited 44046 S&V Limited 44046 Shell Thailand Manufacturing Limited 44054 Smartspike Solutions Ltd 44046 Sonoco Europe Limited 44048 Striking Lion Design Limited 44067 TPT Board Mills Limited 44048 Unit Reels and Drums Limited 44048 Web Planning Limited 44042 Wildsmith Communications Limited 44060 Yateley Country Park Limited 44046 Petitions to Wind Up Amik Property International Ltd 44043 County Farm Asssit Limited 44048 Pro-Fit Building Services Limited 44043 MHD Builders Limited 44060 Sage Media National Limited 44067 Wadsworth Care Homes Limited 44043 Winding up orders Absolute Construction (Norfolk) Limited 44068 Belgravia Construction (London) Limited 44042 TMAK Construction Limited 44060 Trust Media Limited 44048
For information on ICSM visit www.icsmcredit.com or call 0844 854 1850. ICSM, The Exchange, Express Park, Bristol Road, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4RR. Tel: 0844 854 1850. www.icsmcredit.com. Ian.carrotte@icsmcredit.com
