Hello and Welcome to our April Newsletter
This month the Government finally begins to lift the restrictions that have hamstrung business for so-called non-essential retailers and businesses with a further loosening up of the rules promised in May and June.
It has been a nightmare and continues to be so for those who have been unable to trade or have their trade heavily restricted. For the High Street, the airports, trains, hotels and the night time economy the restrictions placed on business have been unacceptably high. Supermarkets and the online big retailers have been given a clear field to operate sending many smaller companies to wall. Hopefully it will be business as usual soon and at ICSM we will continue to give you the information you need to remain solvent by warning of troubled firms who may be on the brink - and not pay their suppliers.
As usual we have a number of stories from a wide variety of industry sectors - do check out our website for more as we chart these 'interesting times.' And as always we list the insolvencies in Runners and Riders by breaking the list into different sectors representing some of the key ICSM membership groups.
Best wishes and may we soon emerge from the Covid nightmare and get back to normal.
Best wishes Ian Carrotte Proprietor of ICSM Credit For details about ICSM Credit call 0844 854 1850 or visit the website www.icsmcredit.com or email Ian at Ian.carrotte@icsmcredit.com

ICSM Credit, the Exchange, Express Park, Bristol Road, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4RR
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The Budget: spend, spend, spend – before the tax hikes take effect – but by then Rishi Sunak will be PM and it will be someone else in Number 11 who takes the heat
Furloughing extended to September, more grants and loans for businesses and a package to help hospitality and retail survive the ongoing lockdown. All well and good but the bills for the Covid-19 crisis continue to rise to plus £400bn – and all this under a Conservative Government.
And then comes the hangover: the tax hikes to pay for it all. By freezing the level of tax free income and the higher rate threshold from next year the Chancellor will see more than two million people paying more tax bringing in billions more to the exchequer by 2026. Add to that the hike in Corporation Tax and Rishi Sunak will have begun the serious task of paying for the ill thought out spend, spend, spend policy to tackle the pandemic. No help for more than a million freelancers, hike the tax bill on the low paid, only a temporary increase on universal credit, no increase in minimum wage or help for care workers and no long term strategy to pay for the NHS and an aging population.
Papering over the cracks
When the leader of the opposition Kier Starmer replied to the budget he had a point that it was papering over the cracks. Essentially a sticking plaster on the economy – hoping that things pick up this summer and all is back to normal in 18 month’s time. What then?
There had been talk of a wind fall tax on the big tech firms of Google, Facebook and Amazon and the like. A tax on home deliveries to encourage us all to return to the high street shops. A wholesale reform of business rates and a permanent cut in VAT for retailing and hospitality – but no. This was an opportunity to look to the future to help small and medium sized businesses once again fire up the economy. A chance also to recalibrate Britain socially so that the low paid have more in their wages which in turn go into spending and investing - it's basic economics. So much talk of levelling up has been just that.
To use an old phrase Rishi Sunak has had a good war – or in this case a good pandemic. He’s emerged as the bright new hope of the Conservative Party. Slick, positive and clean cut. Unlike the politically bruised images of Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and Matt Hancock. If as expected Labour make substantial gains in the 2024 election but fail to win then Johnson’s days are numbered and Sunak looks a shoe in for a move to Number 10.
Freeze on booze
There is much to applaud in his budget – and I’ve clearly outlined the downside – namely a failure to address the long term. But help for retail and hospitality is appreciated, help for locals to save their pubs, help for business in the way of loans, extending furloughing, help with stamp duty and a freeze on the usual victim of the budget: booze. And the freeze on fuel duty is a big help for the entire economy – although the idea that petrol and diesel cars will be phased out starting in 2030 is questionable. Collectively motorists through fuel duty pay the Chancellor £27bn a year and that cash can’t automatically be replaced by a tax on hydrogen powered engines or even less likely electric vehicles. If as I predict Sunak moves next door in 2024 or soon after, this and other long term issues will fall in someone else's in-tray. For now he’s just about got away with it and remains the Teflon Chancellor – which in politics is everything.
Harry Mottram +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

ICSM News: bonfire of the jobs as the High Street loses 250,000 workers in 12 months while ICSM warns of worse to come
On average every day during the Covid-19 crisis 48 shops have closed never to reopen. Local Data Company compiled the information to reveal the shocking effect of the Government’s policy of lockdowns to combat and pandemic.
“It’s not a surprise but it is depressing that so many retailers have closed their doors for good,” said Ian Carrotte of ICSM. “Supermarkets have been given a free pass at the expense of many retailers while Amazon have been allowed to clean up with no extra burden of taxation – unlike small high street businesses deemed as no-essential by Rishi Sunak. Take away anyone’s customers and no business is viable.”

Picture: Personel Today
Bonfire of retail jobs
Research conducted by the Local Data Company showed that 17,500 chain stores and pubs, cafes and other hospitality venues but not independent retailers have closed their doors for good – an average of 48 a day. The current estimate of jobs lost in these sectors in the last 12 months is around a quarter of a million. Clearly some stores were already in trouble as were many pubs but Covid-19 lockdowns have decimated this section of the economy. On the flip side 7,665 stores were opened in the last year although some of these came from new owners buying shops in administration.
“This is the worst set of figures since the Credit Crunch,” said Ian Carrotte, “and although there is Government help in the form or furlough payments and grants there will be an even greater number of closures once furloughing and the pandemic ends.”
The BBC’s business reporter Emma Simpson said: “Shopping centres saw the largest proportion of their stores closed, whilst retail parks fared the best. Fashion retailers and betting shops were the worst performing categories. Meanwhile takeaway outlets, and cake shops, enjoyed some growth. And city centres are doing worse than suburbs and commuter towns, driven by the number of people working from home.”
Ian Carrotte said there was a major problem of unpaid invoices to suppliers of these businesses when they close and a hit to the economy for more than 250,000 workers out of a job.
“Many retail workers are women who rely on public transport so the idea they can switch to a distribution centre out of town is unrealistic,” he said. “We need our high streets for workers, for retailers, for hospitality and all the businesses that supply them. That has to be a priority for this country as they are the heart of much of the UK’s business.”

Picture: BBC
Chocolate shock
The makers of luxury chocolate Thorntons are to close all their stores. The firm will continue online to supply boxes of chocolates and to stock various retailers and supermarkets with their products and independent shops that use their branding to boost sales will continue in business.
A Thorntons spokeswoman said: "In addition to our own retail estate, we work closely with around 100 other franchise stores that sell Thorntons product within a broader retail store environment - such as cards stores, gift stores and post offices."
"Our franchise partners, alongside our grocery partners and e-commerce, remain a key part of our strategy for the future of Thorntons. The Thorntons website store locator will continue to reflect the franchise stores available to customers."
 Confessions of a print manager as ex Paperhat CEO Tim Peppiatt sparks a spat in Print Week (because his creditors never forget his past)
In the 1990s I used a print manager to bridge the gap between my graphic design studio and my clients as I didn’t have the time to buy print on top of everything else.
He was a one man print broker who took away all the hassle of estimating, quoting, advising on papers and printers, ordering, monitoring the print process and delivering on time. Every advertising agency I knew did the same employing their own print managers or using a print farmer as they were sometimes called.

The guy I used described himself as a leach, skimming off a healthy profit for his work although I felt he earned his mark-up as it involved a lot of juggling of jobs. Print Week’s Jo Francis has penned a piece about the former Paperhat CEO Tim Peppiatt who had described in a talk that traditional print management was ‘commercially unsound.’

Pic: www.ehmtic2014.com
Jo Francis wrote: “Peppiatt was speaking at a FuturePrint Virtual Conference session, where he was in conversation with Vpress sales director Kelvin Bell. He said the classic print management offering had been the right option at the time ‘but it’s not fit for purpose now and hasn’t been for a period.’”
It wasn’t so much his views that sparked a reaction amongst Print Week’s readers but Peppiatt’s past at Paperhat because the firm went bust in 2018 leaving its creditors high and dry. He then went on to found other enterprises – a past of which he didn’t refer to in his talk. That sparked the reaction online.
It began with someone who uses the historic name of johannesgutenberg as their handle. He (I’ve assumed it’s a he) said: “And you want to take advice from someone that led a company into administration?”

Peppiatt immediately responded having had his ego pricked. He wrote in reply: “It’s not normally my habit to respond to people who cowardly respond behind a pseudonym, however I’ll make an exception in your case. The following phrase comes to mind : ‘Show me the person who hasn’t made a mistake and I’ll show the person who hasn’t made anything’. In 23 years, myself and my colleagues created literally thousands of jobs and spent hundreds of millions with suppliers. Apart from the odd night waking up wondering exactly why people behaved in such an appalling, shameful and disingenuous fashion, during a crisis that could have been averted, I sleep just fine.”
When a sports firm went bust years ago owing me a tidy sum a friend pointed out that the directors were happy to take all the profits when things went well but not the responsibility of debt when it crashed. And that phrase came back to me with Peppiatt’s defence. Somehow creating jobs and spending money with suppliers counteracts the debts of £1.5m he left when he walked away from Paperhat – or so it seems in Peppiatt’s mindset.
However he received support from some contributors on Print Week’s comment section with someone called Cool Grey commenting: “Back in the day, print managers saw an opportunity to offer something that printers either wouldn't or couldn't and in the process saved their clients lots of money.”
But there was also plenty of criticism of the idea of print managers who effectively take away much of the profit margins for printers. Someone under the name of Peeved Creditor noted that print management firms ‘promise year on year cost reductions to clients when they have little or no control of supplier’s overheads and most direct costs.’ And although Peeved Creditor acknowledged some print managers were fine many had a negative impact on printers as they drove down prices.
Some printers I worked with in the past had a policy of not accepting work from print farmers as they felt the unethical ones would demand the lowest prices making the work unprofitable for them. In one instance I knew of a print farmer who would play one printer off another to get the best price – something I’m sure continues to this day.
Harry Mottram
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ More stories: check our website for news on logistics, construction, hospitality, printing and publishing - and much more PLUS: The latest on the print industry and how trade shows have been hit (ICSM - Take Control Of Your Finances (icsmcredit.com); why breweries are going bust as well as pubs (ICSM - Take Control Of Your Finances (icsmcredit.com); the latest on Liberty Steel's impending collapse (ICSM - Take Control Of Your Finances (icsmcredit.com); the ghost of Polestar reappears (ICSM - Take Control Of Your Finances (icsmcredit.com); concerns over Eurostar's suppliers (ICSM - Take Control Of Your Finances (icsmcredit.com); and how the public lost £58m when Football Index shut up shop (ICSM - Take Control Of Your Finances (icsmcredit.com)
Runners and Riders Below is a collated list taken from the Government’s London Gazette of various businesses who are experiencing problems in the last few weeks. We have broken them into different sections to make it easier to see and we have included the company number in each case. PRINTING AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES Administrators Appointed Black Country Rock Limited 10120219 Digital Fuel Marketing Limited 08607772 Milk Visual Effects Limited 08441256 Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation Deemed in Consent Meetings Altus Media (One) Limited 08260700 CJS Media Limited 10193021 Gilgamesh Media Limited 08379596 Northern Exotics (Fabricators) :Limited 10321083 Liquidators Appointed 123 Marketing Limited 11281521 Chambers Media Limited 08989449 CJS Media Limited 10193021 Elite Finishing Limited 06140860 Litchfield Refinishing Limited 10547129 Precision Printing Plates Limited 00698704 Screen Print City Limited 04335498 Wonderland Advertising Limited 08404104 Members Voluntary Liquidations Able Graphics Limited 04524164 Active Win Media Holdings Limited 11495298 Amersham Prints Limited 00356212 Arch-E-Tech Design Limited 05986911 Attention Sports & Media Limited 11734070 Birthmark Limited 10328799 Boxx TV Limited 06387216 Butler Corporate Communications Media Limited 07345657 Butler Design Limited 04701545 Castell Media UK Limited 07764085 Digital Television Limited 03891301 Cimpress UK Manufacturing Limited 10389067 First Carton Pazo Limited 00238339 Global Travel Marketing Limited 04297449 Henrietta Designs Limited 08503747 Highbury Music (Overseas) Limited 01263257 Highbury Music Limited 00978700 Jordan Decorative Shop Fitting Limited 06807195 Kinship Communications Limited 09358289 N.E.A.R. Parcels Limited 09381993 Nerdy Kid Media Limited 07584732 Phoebus Apollo Publishing Limited 09054078 Phototastic PR Limited 05688064 PPS. Publications Limited 02752801 PPS Publications Holdings Limited 12152803 Progressive Sports & Entertainment Marketing Limited 06487061 R. & S. Greeting Cards Limited 01193808 Redshift Digital Limited 07354538 Safety Media Limited 03124807 Scamp Modelling Limited 07589837 Socket Studios Limited 08079800 Streetfacts Target Marketing &Mailing Limited 02324765 Taurus Print & Design Limited 01527374 Tozer Communications Limited 04695574 Trozelli Design Limited 08412016 UK Media Platforms Limited 07526216 Woodwork Music Publishing Limited 07241569 Petitions to Wind Up Precision Plastics (London) Limited 04938763 LOGISTICS AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES Administrators Meetings Para 51 Atlas Distribution Corporation Limited 08544824 Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation Deemed in Consent Meetings BAH Logistics Limited 12292358 A.R. Quinn Transport LC Limited 10542557 Mayank Logistics Limited 09114313 Liquidators Appointed Exceed Autocraft Limited 04283895 Blue line Cars (Ilford) 04068140 Fast Despatch Logistics (Belfast) Limited 12137137 Prospect Commercials Limited 04981491 North Link Transport Limited 12421344 Members Voluntary Liquidations Atlas Distribution Corporation Limited 08544824 Frost's Service Station Limited 10201271 Hamilton Motor Factors Limited 01294715 Rocket Express Limited 03442348 Tremont Garage Limited 04360572 Truetech Distribution Limited 07375147 Petitions to Wind Up Morden Motor Company Limited 07930952 CONSTRUCTION AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES Administrators Appointed Modern Method Construction Limited 12079373 Compulsory Liquidators Appointed s 136 Avery Homes RH Limited 09419583 Construction Partnership UK Limited 03941201 Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation Deemed in Consent Meetings Armfield Construction Limited 07019630 Channel Homes (UK) Limited 03604142 Civil Engineering and Construction Limited 10908334 MBA Construction Management Limited 11015064 Liquidators Appointed Archwood Construction Limited 11407116 Central London Builders Limited 07960504 Curve Plumbing and Heating Limited 09883422 Howard Electrical Services (SW) Ltd 11278342 Kevra Construction Ltd - In Creditors' Voluntary Liquidation 10137393 Magic Touch Joinery Limited 10731597 ML Design And Build Limited 12321783 Newport Pagnell Construction Limited 01052871 Riverside Joinery (London) LLP OC358194 Saint Construction Ltd 07401411 West-Therm Plumbing And Heating Limited 11058648 York Homes Developments Limited 04586609 Members Voluntary Liquidations 2MC Homes Limited 07409532 BMA Property Limited 10597979 Dobsons Civil Engineering and Construction Limited 03837015 Empire Villa Properties Limited 10819479 Gradient Developments Limited 08015758 Megan Construction Limited 04619544 Pegasus Plumbing & Heating Services Limited 03265083 Roman Developments (Southern) Limited 05199869 Torbay Developments Limited 00560417 W B Cox (Construction) Limited 03570950 Winding up orders Carpenters Mill Limited 11873484 HOSPITALITY, TRAVEL AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES Administrators Appointed Broad Bean Events Limited 08670583 Northern Leisure Group Limited 01977442 Sundial Group Limited 03432674 Woodside Conference Centre Limited 03428525 Administrators Meetings Para 51 Club La Costa (UK) Plc 03123199 Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation Deemed in Consent Meetings Continental Hospitality Group Limited 11842709 Hit-N-Run Sports Limited 07836744 London Bus Tour Tickets Limited 07738233 Love Shack Ldn Limited 11350134 Olive Tree Brasserie Lytham Limited 11120187 Recommended Hotels Limited 04632986 The Pizza, Pancake and Waffle House Limited 11917430 Liquidators Appointed 23 Hospitality Limited 08997950 Castle Historic Properties (Weardale) Limited 12227039 Clique Bar & Restaurant Limited 09576412 Cyclone Events Management (Wrexham) Limited 11857891 Fat Grey Cat Tours Limited 11661594 Frome Town Limited 06755399 IPR Events London Limited 09483102 Just Hire Catering Equipment and Furniture Limited 07589637 MG Harbourside Limited 05528256 Olive Tree Brasserie Stockton H Limited 10971968 Original Alkiz Restaurant Limited 11667858 Shoreditch Cafes Limited 10702621 The Cellars Limited 03859065 The Quarry House (Haworth) Limited 08351633 V Hospitality Limited 11429098 Members Voluntary Liquidations Bath Luxury Holiday Letting Limited 07495627 CLC Coffee Bars Limited 01016118 CS Hotel Solutions Limited 08828343 Douglas Simm Travel Limited 02040907 Eventmaker Hospitality Limited 06002375 Fairwood Golf Limited 04522513 Hero Hospitality Ventures (Fishergate York) Limited 12214279 Lord Hill Hotel Limited 04257371 Skegness Pier Leisure Limited 08933702 Stylish Resorts Limited 04141222 Winding up orders Otley Pubs & Bars Limited 11562802 RETAIL AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation Deemed in Consent Meetings CPMP Fitness Limited 09411268 Identity hair and Beauty Lounge Limited 07159128 James-Miller Hair Design Limited 05846530 Le Pain Nouveau Limited 01848243 United Motors Spares Limited 08342101 Liquidators Appointed Birdhouse Retail Limited 11346126 Cookies & Cream Beds Ltd 09525749 Fine Fish of Benwell Limited 04903882 Responsible Retail Limited 03793615 Shropshire Equestrian Supplies Limited 09709518 The House of Eunice Limited 09093793 The Urban Delicatessen Ltd 12463168 Monkey Pig Childrens Wear Limited 08548559 Urmston E Cigs Limited 08521861 Village Fabrics & Interiors Limited 07866174 Wigg Hairdressing Limited 07456058 Members Voluntary Liquidations AIMIA Foods Group Limited 05202201 JJW Retail Solutions Limited 12073509 Insight Retail Consulting Limited 05078028 Kout Food Investments UK Limited 08710203 The Food Business Limited 04191478 Venue & Hotel Finders Limited 05292754 Petitions to Wind Up DS Building Supplies Ltd 10374284 VARIOUS INDUSTRIES Administrators Appointed Greensill Capital Management Company (UK) Limited 08037769 Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation Deemed in Consent Meetings The Umbrella Cheltenham Limited 10201055 W.T.S Water Treatment Services Ltd 07898525 Liquidators Appointed Debt Advisory Help Line Limited 12089043 Sovereign Care Homes Limited 09262607 Spartan Fire Safety Limited 11013326 Sussex Flying Club Limited 02795671 The Employees Lawyer Limited 08550972 Traffic Solutions and Consultancy Limited 11476951 Members Voluntary Liquidations Adam Produces Limited 09556093 Carrwood New Cross Residential Limited 10576356 Eastern Environmental Services Limited 07042302 E Learning For You Limited 07280241 I Care Health (UK) Limited 06304972 Lyon Energy Limited 10403169 Mold Builders Merchants (Holdings) Limited 01965565 Move UK Estate Agents Limited 08602007 Orthodontics+ Limited 06340391 Replay Gaming Limited 06467240 RH Satellite Services Limited 07865292 Skegby Family Medical Services Limited 10302197 Stowmarket Skip Hire Limited 04599219 Sussex and Surrey Care Centres Limited 04173203 The Payroll Service Company Limited 01785949 Thornton Jones Family Law 05283829 Windsor Solicitors Limited 07218904 Petitions to Wind Up Ponies Association (UK) 02308162

ICSM CREDIT For information on ICSM visit www.icsmcredit.com or call 0844 854 1850. ICSM, The Exchange, Express Park, Bristol Road, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4RR. Tel: 0844 854 1850. www.icsmcredit.com. Ian.carrotte@icsmcredit.com
